Monday, September 26, 2011

Book review of Drive by Daniel Pink

 Referencing over fifty years of research
in human motivation and performance Daniel Pink points out the gaps between what is known to get better results from people and teams and what is in practice. These disparities are the source of much humor and lost opportunity in business and life. Pink references Harry Harlow, Edward Deci and contemporary Dan Ariely, among others to great effect. In Drive he creates something more than the sum of other peoples work.
Pink brings a strong narrative and examples from business and life to construct an argument for transformation in the way people and teams are led. A finding that will be a surprise to anyone less familiar with intrinsic motivation is the stark reality that for non-rote work carrot style rewards actually produce worse results. Even if you are familiar with the underlying research, there is much to be learned from the challenge for change that is Drive.

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